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Category Archives: Linux
Rendre Gnome 3 utilisable
Voici quelques astuces pour rendre Gnome 3 utilisable ou en tout cas revenir à des modes d’usage d’antant. N’étant pas fan du changement pour le changement et ne voyant pas l’intérêt d’une ergonomie dédiée tactile alors sur un PC équipé … Continue reading
Posted in Linux
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An asynchronous command line copy for linux and *nix
Qcp is a small footprint asynchronous copy program. It works more or less like the standard cp command except that the first call forks to the background to process command and further calls pass copy commands to the daemon. Command … Continue reading
Posted in Informatique, Linux
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Qgview obsolete, welcome Geeqie
After installing a Fedora 17, I found out that Qgview was obsolete and there was no rpm to be found. After creating my own rpm from the sources, I discovered that there was a fork named Geeqie. The fork was … Continue reading
Posted in Graphismes, Linux
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